Connecting you to great career opportunities with values-aligned employers.
Early Career Opportunities
The most user-friendly, comprehensive and up-to-date resource for discovering, tracking and applying to 2,000+ Early Career Opportunities across mu;tiple sectors, filterable by values.
GCSE – A Level / Apprenticeships / Insight Days
Internships / Placements / Full Time Roles
Employer Sustainability Data
Windō makes it super simple for you to access and compare the Sustainability and DEI plans, progress and achievements of potential employers, connecting you with values-aligned employers.
Environmental Impact / Diversity, Equity
& Inclusion / Wellbeing
Evaluating Employer’s Values
You care about finding a values-aligned employer that cares about the planet and its people but you’re not sure what to look for to evaluate such commitments? This report has you covered.
Data Driven Leaderboards
The Windō Sustainability and DEI Leaderboards are entirely data driven and are filterable by sector, providing you with a quick and clear view of how different organisations compare in different areas.

Cover Letter Templates
Here you will find some cover letter content and interview questions that include creative ways of using data you’ll find on Windō to demonstrate how your values are aligned with the prospective employer.
Winnie – Launching Soon
We’re working on AI and game-changing tools and tech that will set you apart and connect you with a values-aligned employer that has a job that matches your expertise and preferences, in minutes.